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Christmas Party Sample Program Flow

Christmas Party Sample Program Flow

Christmas Party Invitation

We are gathered + sign of the cross in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AmenAlmighty and Merciful God, creator of Heaven and Earth, we humbly ask your divine presence,as we gathered here for our Christmas Party.

Forgive us Father for our offenses and shortcomings, despite of our sins, bless us with your generosity and love so that everyone present here would be able to remember the birth of your Son Jesus Christ.Thank you Father God for giving us this opportunity to celebrate life that you have given to us, allow us to share with one another your unfathomable Love. Bless our families, and friends so that as we enjoy this Christmas party, we would also realize that Christmas is not about expensive gifts and grand parties but it is about Love and generosity to everyone, especially to the needy.Make us realize that in celebrating the birthday of your son, we should also spread the joy and love not only here in this party but also when we leave this venue. Impart your Divine Wisdom so we would be able to make every day a Christmas day from this day onwards.Bless this Party so that everyone will have fun in a Christian atmosphere. We ask this through Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one God forever and ever.